“I can’t put my finger on any one band that this reminds me of, so I’m going to have to do a big dump of tags to help myself get there. The weird, noodling guitar licks of Mastodon and the driving force of a Red Fang/Mutoid Man riff-mutant propels “The Goddess” into weirder and weirder territory as the song pushes on....Sort of a Kvelertak sound, but that comparison is mainly due to the vocal style and the geography of the band. I dunno. Think Cave In but not. Almost what Blood Command are doing, but totally different. I dunno. It’s fucking brilliant though. ”
The Oslo-based hardcore/metal act Oberst blends their many influences seamlessly into a unique sound, be it hardcore, post metal, progressive metal and rock. Their huge, warm and atmospheric riffs meet hectic, catchy elements driven by intense and at times manic vocals.
Originally formed around the mutual interest in music rather than any particular genre, the band later found common ground in bands like Mastodon, Baroness, Converge and Cult of Luna. However, influences that are unique to each of the members has become just as defining, ranging from classic rock and jazz to modern pop.
Debut album out January 17th 2020 on Indie Recordings
Vocals, Guitar / Tarjei Kristoffersen
Guitar / Dennis Estensen
Bass / Joakim Karlsen
Drums / Johan Fredrik Bolli